Worship has been defined as “a time where we are lifted out of the ordinary, when we feel the presence of something larger.” Unitarian Universalists are known to vary widely in their beliefs about this “something larger.” Some may think of the God of their childhood or youth, whether that be of Christian, Jewish or Muslim origin. Some may think of the Spirit of Love or the Creative Force of the Universe. Some may think of the human community itself … the fellowship within a house of worship or the social ties that bind us as all together. Some may think of the amazing fabric of nature, the grand Interdependent Web, or the wonders of the universe. What binds us as UUs together is our shared liberal religious values and principles.

Whatever personal belief you may hold about “something larger,” you may find inspiration and transcendence in our creative worship services. You are welcome!

Our parish minister, the Rev. Jennifer Johnson, delivers two to three sermons each month during the regular church year, September through June. For the other Sunday services, we have a variety of guest preachers and skilled lay worship leaders. Services during the regular church year begin at 10:30 a.m. and are held in our historic Sanctuary.

Music is an important element in our services. We have outstanding musicians, a great choir and a tone chimes choir… as well as an historic Hook organ.

We welcome the presence of young children and their spontaneous outbursts of the Spirit of Life in our worship!

Less formal, lay-led summer services, beginning at 9:30 a.m., are held from July through August in the Upper Parish Hall.

All services are generally followed by a social time in the Upper Parish Hall, where we share coffee, snacks and conversation.

Please come join us!