Transgender rights: a family’s journey

Presentations by
Beryl and Vernon Domingo
These presentations will explore gender identity, transgender rights, and the discrimination that transgender people face in their daily lives. It will also include steps that transgender allies can take to advance social and legal rights for transgender people.  As parents of a transgender son, we share our own personal story and our family’s journey from acceptance to advocacy.
In 2016, the Massachusetts legislature passed a law to fully protect transgender people from discrimination. This law is now under attack. On the November 2018 statewide ballot there will be a referendum question to repeal the non-discrimination law that protects transgender people in Massachusetts.
 We hope that you will become informed on the referendum question and that you will support transgender equality in our Commonwealth.
Monday September 17th , Bridgewater Public Library, 15 South Street, Bridgewater, 6:30pm
Tuesday September 25th , West Bridgewater Public Library, 80 Howard Street, West Bridgewater, 6:30pm
Thursday October 11th, Dighton Public Library, 395 Main Street, Dighton, 6:30pm
Thursday October 25th, First Parish UU Church Kingston, Beal House, 222 Main Street, Kingston, 7:00pm
For details on the 2018 Massachusetts transgender ballot question, 
Search for : Massachusetts transgender