Share the Plate Selection

Half of the November undesignated collections will be donated to Brockton Interfaith Community (BIC) of which First Parish is a member. If you would like to make a special donation to BIC, please make out your check to First Parish and write BIC in the memo line. BIC was created in 1990 by area clergy … Continue reading Share the Plate Selection

Come to the Holly Faire!

See flier for details Holly Day Faire HO HO HO… It’s the First Parish Holly Day Faire! Friday, December 9, 6pm ‐ 8pm Have a piece of Cheesecake or Decadent Chocolate Dessert while visiting with Santa! Saturday, December 10, 10am ‐ 2pm Our Famous Soup Lunch Buffet ‐ try a bottomless cup! **Both days take … Continue reading Come to the Holly Faire!

This Year Elections Are Crucial! Join BIC to Mobilize Voters in Your Community!

Here’s how you can get involved! 1. Pick one Saturday or Sunday to join our canvass. You and your congregation can pick a day and time between now and the election and concentrate your efforts to canvass on that day. BIC will arrange to meet at the our office (Central United Methodist 65 W Elm). … Continue reading This Year Elections Are Crucial! Join BIC to Mobilize Voters in Your Community!


Half of the October and November undesignated collections will be donated to Brockton Interfaith Community (BIC) of which First Parish is a member. If you would like to make a special donation to BIC, please make out your check to First Parish and write BIC in the memo line. BIC was created in 1990 by … Continue reading SHARE THE PLATE SELECTION