Special Afternoon Worship Service with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, Rev. Rachel Tedesco, and Beth-Manchester-Howell, “Blessings for the New Year”

Sunday, December 31st at 4:00pm
“Blessings for the New Year”
Rev. Jennifer Johnson, Beth Manchester-Howell, and Rev. Rachel Tedesco

Begin the New Year with a bounty of blessings during a special late afternoon worship service. Enjoy soul-stirring music in the candlelit Sanctuary, as we give and receive blessings  of hope and healing for our world, our community, ourselves, and one another. 

Please note: There will be no morning worship service on 12/31/2023. 

This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470

Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 826 139 9470

You can view the Order of Service here: https://fpuubridgewater.org/oos/
