COVID has changed every corner of the world, including First Parish Bridgewater. Now that we are past the initial crisis and moving towards a “new normal,” it’s time to take stock of those changes. How have they impacted our congregation? What are the most important gifts that we bring to one another and the world in these times? How do we need to adapt to best share our community’s gifts?
This Sunday, the Parish Committee will explore these questions and provide an opportunity for you to share your voice during a special worship service. The purpose is to gather information and insights. We won’t come away with definitive answers to such big questions. But we will learn more about who we are as a congregation and how we can thrive in an uncertain world.
This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM:
Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 826 139 9470
Please review our current COVID-19 Guidelines here.

Topics: Courage