Worship with Rev. Gretchen Weis on Sunday, April 28th at 10:30am, “What About Evil?”

Some have claimed our faith has a notoriously weak, naive theology on the nature of evil.  Our Universalist heritage believes that all are worthy, all are included in the circle of all loving kindness and ultimate forgiveness.  According to our Universalist roots, that means that the likes of Adolph Hitler or the mass murderer Charles Manson are forgiven and get to go to heaven.  On the Unitarian side of our faith, our forebears promoted the belief that all minds and hearts grow towards goodness. Our humanist friends put forth a manifesto in the 1930s praising human progress onward and upward forever.  And then the Nazi atrocities happened.  Let’s take a deeper look into the origin and nature of evil, which is certainly all around us in the world, and what our faith calls us to consider in combating the evil we see.

This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470

Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 826 139 9470

You can view the Order of Service here: https://fpuubridgewater.org/oos/
