Worship with Space for Grace on Sunday, January 21, “Transcendentalism for Times Like These”

Special guests from “Space for Grace,” a lay-led UU meditative spiritual practice group, will present a multi-media service on what 19th century Transcendentalists have to teach us about how to be morally relevant in tumultuous times. 

About Our Guest Preachers:
Rosemary Donahoe, Joan Thompson-Stein, and Ellen Snoeyenbos are members of the Kingston UU Meditative Group “Space & Grace.”  This lay-led meditative spiritual practice group is an off-shoot of the First Parish UU Church in Kingston. They have been meeting weekly for over 12 years to worship and meditate. They have a specific interest in the history of Transcendentalism as it informs our current UU beliefs and practice of social justice.

This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470

Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 826 139 9470

You can view the Order of Service here: https://fpuubridgewater.org/oos/

Family Chapel is rescheduled for this Sunday! Families are encouraged to join our religious education volunteers for Family Chapel service at 10:30am in the Upper Parish Hall. Click here for more information!
