Worship with the Peace Committee on Sunday, September 18th, “International Day of Peace Service”

Sun., Sept. 18 the Peace Committee will lead the morning worship service in conjunction with the United Nations International Day of Peace and the Bridgewater Week of Peace sponsored by the Bridgewater International Cities for Peace. This will be the opening program of the week. The theme of the worship service will be “End Racism: Build Peace”. 

We will gather at the Peace Pole on the front lawn at 9:45 for a brief opening ceremony. Then gather there after the morning worship for a closing ceremony.

This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470
Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 826 139 9470
Please review our current COVID-19 Guidelines here.
