Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Virtual Vespers – Path of Generosity

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 7 pmExplore our monthly worship theme during an informal, online worship service focused on reflection and connection. This is a virtual worship service. Please join us via ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/97873530749?pwd=LzRabXhxWGx4MlduWmJuK3Bsa3ZEZz09 Meeting ID: 978 7353 0749Passcode: 098634

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson and Peace Committee on Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am

Ceremonies at First Parish will be the start of a Peace Week organized by the Bridgewater International City for Peace Committee of which First Parish is a member. The United Nations theme for 2023 is Actions for Peace. We will start the ceremonies with a Peace Pole Rededication on the front lawn at 9:30 am. The BSU … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson and Peace Committee on Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am