Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Worship on Sunday, November 20, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “What’s Transient and Permanent Now?”

In 1841, Unitarian minister Theodore Parker preached one of the most famous sermons in our tradition: “The Transient and Permanent in Christianity.” In it, he argues that the forms, doctrines and expressions of religion are transient–forever changing. Only divine truth is permanent, even as we fail to fully grasp that truth. One hundred and eighty … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, November 20, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “What’s Transient and Permanent Now?”

Worship on Sunday, November 13, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Break to Build”

Unitarian Universalism grew out of the same philosophical, social, and political movements that gave rise to our democracy. While we honor the separation of church and state, we recognize that the ideals of democracy closely correspond to the ideals of our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. We believe in democracy, even as we witness its fragility. … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, November 13, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Break to Build”

Worship on Sunday, October 16, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Catching Courage”

Too often we think of courage as an inherent trait—a quality we either have inside of us or we lack. But experience teaches us a different truth: we can find courage outside of ourselves, in other people. In this age when many of our most cherished values are under threat, we need courage more than … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, October 16, with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Catching Courage”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, September 11, “Water Communion: Fountain of Dreams”

A new church year is upon us! Please join us in the Sanctuary or online to co-create our first worship service of the church year. Today’s service will center around our annual Water Ceremony, a cherished tradition observed by UU congregations around the country and the globe. This year we will mingle our water while … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, September 11, “Water Communion: Fountain of Dreams”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, June 19th, 2022, “The Blessing of Our Dreams”

During this last worship service of the church year, we’ll turn our attention to church years to come. One of the ways we prepare for the future is by dreaming – imagining our lives and the world transformed by our deepest hopes and longings. What are your dreams for our spiritual community in the coming … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, June 19th, 2022, “The Blessing of Our Dreams”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, June 12, 2022, “Flower Communion: A Celebration of Blessings in Difficult Times”

Come celebrate the blessings of our faith and our spiritual community with the tradition flower communion adapted to these hard times. Both choirs will perform, and we’ll also be honoring our high school graduates. Not to be missed! (Please plan to stay after the service for our Annual Meeting!) Please join us in-person or via ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470 Or … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, June 12, 2022, “Flower Communion: A Celebration of Blessings in Difficult Times”