Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Worship on Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Beauty Beckons”

Beauty comes in many forms, by way of different kinds of experiences–from art, to nature, to music. What makes our experiences of beauty similar is the common experience of attraction. Beauty draws us near. Beauty lures. Beauty beckons. Why? To what? As people of progressive faith, how are we called to respond to the world’s … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Beauty Beckons”

Worship on Sunday, May 8th, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “The Wisdom of the Mother Tree”

Forest ecologist Suzanne Simard discovered through her research that old growth trees–so-called “Mother Trees”–communicate with younger trees by way of vast, underground fungal networks that bind the generations in a forest community.  Especially in times of peril, Mother Trees make a special effort to impart their wisdom and resources to the younger generations, improving their … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, May 8th, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “The Wisdom of the Mother Tree”

Worship on May 4, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Online Vespers: Nurturing Beauty”

Join via Zoom: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470 Join us online  for our monthly evening service of reflection, ritual, and song. We will explore our May theme, Nurturing  Beauty. What role does beauty play in spiritual life? What forms of beauty move and inspire you? How do we reconcile the world’s beauty with its brokenness? Join us to reflect … Continue reading Worship on May 4, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Online Vespers: Nurturing Beauty”

Worship on Sunday, May 1st, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “Forms Most Beautiful and Wonderful”

In his closing statement from On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin points out that the world is replete with diverse expressions of beauty. Such abundant beauty is borne out of a complex process of change, differentiation, evolution. The Earth’s richness teaches us that beauty is not static, but changing; not uniform, but diverse; not … Continue reading Worship on Sunday, May 1st, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “Forms Most Beautiful and Wonderful”

Worship on Easter Sunday, April 17th, at 10:30am with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “A Brighter Coming Day”: A Unitarian Universalist Easter Service

On this Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the spiritual concept of resurrection from a Unitarian Universalist perspective. Our window will be the powerful life and legacy of our Unitarian ancestor, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, a 19th century abolitionist, public speaker, and writer of popular fiction and poetry.​​This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us … Continue reading Worship on Easter Sunday, April 17th, at 10:30am with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “A Brighter Coming Day”: A Unitarian Universalist Easter Service

Online Vespers on Wednesday, April 5 at 7pm: Awakening

Join via Zoom: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470 Join us online  for our monthly evening service of reflection, ritual, and song. We will begin exploring our April theme, Awakening. As we enter the spring season of renewed vitality after the dormancy of winter, we will take some reflective time to explore what is awakening in us, as individuals and … Continue reading Online Vespers on Wednesday, April 5 at 7pm: Awakening

Worship on March 27, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “The Gift of Presence”

Please note: The worship topic for this week has been changed. Rev. Jennnifer will explore the Jewish concept of “Argument for the Sake of Heaven” at a later date. This Sunday, we will consider how we can help others renew their faith with the gift of our presence. This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in … Continue reading Worship on March 27, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “The Gift of Presence”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, March 13, 2022, “The Lost Art of Sabbath-Keeping”

One of the oldest religious observances in western culture is the Sabbath, a day set aside in Judaism, and later in Christianity, for rest and prayer. Over many centuries, Sabbath observance has both evolved and eroded with changing cultural, societal, and ideological norms. Given the pressures of today’s non-stop global economy, a full day of … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, March 13, 2022, “The Lost Art of Sabbath-Keeping”

Online Vespers on Wednesday, March 2nd at 7pm: Renewing Faith

Join us online  for our monthly evening service of reflection, ritual, and song. We will begin exploring our March theme, Renewing Faith. What is the object (or objects) of your faith? How does faith sustain you through challenges, and how do you sustain your faith? This evening’s service will include inspired recorded music, a lectio … Continue reading Online Vespers on Wednesday, March 2nd at 7pm: Renewing Faith