Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Worship on February 27, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Widening the Circle of Kinship”

This morning we will take inspiration from the Book of Ruth in Hebrew Scriptures. The extraordinary love between Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi encourages us to draw wide the circle of human kinship. This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470 Or via phone: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: … Continue reading Worship on February 27, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Widening the Circle of Kinship”

Worship on February 13, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Love By Any Other Name”

The singular word “love” in the English language masks an underlying diversity of feelings and relationships that this one word describes: romantic love, familial love, platonic love, love of nature, love of life itself – to name a few. Too often, our U.S. culture gives priority to the first of these: romantic love. This morning … Continue reading Worship on February 13, 2022 with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Love By Any Other Name”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, January 16th, 2022 – “Exploring the 8th Principle”

There is a movement underway in Unitarian Universalism to adopt a new principle of our faith movement. The proposed 8th Principle articulates a commitment to build the Beloved Community by actively working to  dismantle racism and other forms of oppression in ourselves and our institutions. On this MLK Sunday, we will learn about the proposed … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, January 16th, 2022 – “Exploring the 8th Principle”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, January 9th, 2022 – “Blessings for the New Year”

As we face another year of uncertainty and angst, we will turn to what John O’Donohue called “the lost art of blessing.”  Through rituals of blessing, we will name our deepest hopes for our lives, our community, and our world.  This is a hybrid worship service. Please join us in the sanctuary or by ZOOM: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/8261399470 Or … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, January 9th, 2022 – “Blessings for the New Year”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Thursday, December 23rd, “Christmas Eve Eve Service – Made Ready for Joy”

Registration is now closed. If you didn’t register to attend the service in-person, we welcome and encourage you to join us via ZOOM!  Please note: In-person attendance will be reserved for members and active friends of First Parish and their immediate family members. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Others are encouraged to join us … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Thursday, December 23rd, “Christmas Eve Eve Service – Made Ready for Joy”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, December 19th, “Joy Now”

In times of hardship, joy can sometimes feel incongruent. We may wonder, “Is it ok to celebrate when so many are suffering?” We may think of joy as a reward that comes at the end of a season of difficulty. Yet, it may be more beneficial to view joy as something we generate through intentional … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on Sunday, December 19th, “Joy Now”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Showing Up for Thanksgiving”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Showing Up for Thanksgiving” – After a year of curtailing and canceling traditional celebrations, at long last vaccines are making it possible to gather again for the holidays. With Thanksgiving upon us, many of us may be especially eager to celebrate the season’s bounty with family and friends. At the … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Showing Up for Thanksgiving”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Being Good Descendants”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson, “Being Good Descendants” – Two decades after launching the first successful polio vaccine, virologist Jonas Salk challenged his twentieth-century contemporaries with, what he called, the most important question humans can ask ourselves: “Are we being good ancestors?” In light of climate change, growing political unrest, and the current global pandemic, … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson – “Being Good Descendants”