Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Johnson

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on October 24, “We are the Weavers”

The seventh principle of Unitarian Universalism reminds us that we are part of an interdependent web of all existence–a vast network of relationships. We are born into the web through no choice of our own. Yet, once we are here, we do have choices about how we weave that web. What does our UU faith … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson on October 24, “We are the Weavers”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson and Rev. Rachel Tedesco on October 10, “Seasons of Change”

First Parish Bridgewater is in a season of significant change. In the past year, you said good-bye to your minister, your Director of Religious Education, and your long-time administrator. Lay leadership is in a time of transition, and a new minister is among you. Not to mention the changes wrought by the pandemic. Times of … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson and Rev. Rachel Tedesco on October 10, “Seasons of Change”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Beth Johnson on September 26th- “Serendipity Is Our Friend”

Sometimes possibility grows out of well-laid plans, like a seed carefully sowed and cultivated with great care and precision, until it blooms into its full potential. Other times, possibility arrives seemingly by chance, like the fluffy seeds of dandelions carried on the wind. The lucky seeds will find themselves deposited on just the right soil … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Beth Johnson on September 26th- “Serendipity Is Our Friend”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Beth Johnson on September 12th – “A River of Grief, a Font of Hope, and a Garden of Possibility”

Join us for the ingathering service of our new church year. Rev. Jennifer will lead us in our traditional water ceremony, with some new elements. Honoring the challenges and triumphs of the last year, we will cycle our mingled waters through a ritualized journey of grief, hope, and possibility. The service will be multiplatform, with … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Beth Johnson on September 12th – “A River of Grief, a Font of Hope, and a Garden of Possibility”

Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “Renewing Our Spirits”

For our final Sunday service of the summer season, Rev. Jennifer will lead a circle-style worship designed to renew our spirits through word, music, and ritual. Using readings from the new collection of poetry, How to Love the World, we will seek to reconnect with that which is good and beautiful and right in the … Continue reading Worship with Rev. Jennifer Johnson: “Renewing Our Spirits”