Speaker: Rev. Paul Sprecher

“Holding on and Letting Go”

“Holding on and Letting Go”: The end of the year calls for ‘Resolutions’ — which too often fail. Instead, let’s face the New Year thinking about what we want to leave behind and what we want to keep doing and believing and hoping for. Lay Worship Leader: Tony Winters.

“Abundance for All”

Generosity is learned in families. Our “Guest at Your Table” fundraiser starts this Sunday — but can we find the time to welcome a guest together? View the recording

“Abundance in Simplicity”

Is it possible to change ourselves so that we are more aware of abundance than of scarcity?  Of what we have rather than what we don’t have?  The month of Thanksgiving is a good time to think about it.

“Thanks, Mom!”

The service starts at 10:00 a.m. at the First Church of West Bridgewater, 29 Howard St. This service marks the end of the celebration of our 300th Birthday as a congregation with a joint service with our “Mother” Church. We will start the morning with a brief service at First Church and then proceed to … Continue reading “Thanks, Mom!”

The Courage to Change

When anyone asks us to change, our first reaction is usually to resist and defend ourselves, even if we agree that we need to change. So how do we work up the courage to actually become the better person we wish we were? Video of the service from BTV

We Forgive

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the day in the Jewish tradition for seeking forgiveness from God for wrongdoing. But God will only forgive us if we have first asked forgiveness from any person we may have offended. How do we find the courage to seek and to offer forgiveness?

Finding Peace in a Warring World & Annual Peace Celebration

First Parish will hold its annual Peace Celebration in conjunction with the United Nations Day of Peace. Peter Jansen, our very special guitarist, will play Gathering Music for 10:00 – 10:30 am as well as the offertory. The morning program will include Opening and Closing at the Peace Pole on the front lawn of the … Continue reading Finding Peace in a Warring World & Annual Peace Celebration