Speaker: Rev. Paul Sprecher

The Earth Transformed

Prophets have imagined a New Heaven and a New Earth – but our earth is being transformed for the worse.  How shall we cherish our earth in the shadow of this year’s Earth Day?  Lay Worship Leader: Eileen Hiney; Ushers: Sue St. Thomas & Quentin Jarvis

The Self Transformed

Worship with Rev. Paul Sprecher: “The Self Transformed” – Any number of seminars, books, and programs promise to “Transform your Life!”  Is there a cheaper way?

Risky Churches

Churches that aren’t willing to take any risks stagnate.  Risky churches have members who dare to talk deeply to each other and explore their differences, and to act together in proclaiming a message of radical inclusion. Lay Worship Leader: Kat Gillespie. Ushers: Pat & Jack Hart.

“Hope” Vespers Service

Recording The Bridgewater Peace Committee and the Rev. Paul Sprecher invite you to a Vesper Service on Inaugural Eve. Join with us to share our hopes and prayers for the future of our country and the world. There will be gathering music beginning at 6:45 pm followed by meditation, reflections, community singing, and an opportunity … Continue reading “Hope” Vespers Service

“What We Love”

“What We Love” – (text) – and on YouTube Rev. Paul Sprecher, First Parish Bridgewater, Sunday February 21, 2016, 10:30 am Reading “The Pearl of Great Price,” Amy Jill-Levine “The kingdom of heaven is like a man, a merchant, seeking fine pearls; on finding one pearl of extremely great value, he went and sold all … Continue reading “What We Love”

“Lent: Mindfulness and Self-Denial”

First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Bridgewater, MA – and on YouTube “Lent: Mindfulness and Self-Denial” Sunday, March 6, 2016 – 10:30am Reading “Sin,” Fred Muir, Minister of the UU Church of Annapolis, MD, from the book Heretic’s Faith: Vocabulary for Religious Liberals Given the antiquity of the Genesis 3 story of paradise lost, humankind has been fussing over … Continue reading “Lent: Mindfulness and Self-Denial”